5 things you need to know about branding


You may think branding is simply designing a logo or determining a colour palette. Or, perhaps you don’t think branding is necessary since you own a very small business. Well, we’re here to tell you (with love) that you’re mistaken!

Branding is integral to a business of any size, and it goes beyond a pretty logo. It marks how people identify–and feel about–your business, so, it’s important to make sure your branding stands out from the crowd! 

Not sure where to start? Keep reading for five things you should know about branding!

1. Defining your brand identity isn’t as scary as it sounds.

Some people hear the word “branding” and instantly get anxious, thinking they need to spend a lot of time and money. While you will need to invest a bit, you don’t need to blow your budget–and it is well worth it in the long run. 

Start by thinking long and hard about who you are as a company. What do you stand for? What are your mission and values? What do you want people to think when they hear your company name? What is unique about you or helps you stand out against your competitors? 

To help you determine the answers, pick out words that describe your business and/or its voice, and research your competitors to gauge what’s out there and how you could stand out.

2. Knowing your target audience is essential.

While figuring out who YOU are, don’t neglect identifying those you’ll be speaking to! With any marketing activity, it’s absolutely critical to know your audience (follow our sister company Strategic Charm Boutique’s blog for marketing tips on defining your target audience).

Learn who they are beyond demographics like age and location. Think about their challenges and pain points, and how your business can help solve them. Without a sense of your audience, you’ll lack direction in your branding strategy and subsequent content. 

Once you define your audience, you can create a brand and content that will appeal to them, help you connect with them and showcase your value.

3. Be consistent.

As we noted earlier, a pretty logo does not a brand make! Your visual identity should include everything from your logo to your photography to your website, plus your actual voice and tone. 

Consistency is an absolute must when it comes to building trust in your brand. You want your audience’s experience to be the same no matter where they come across your business. Otherwise, you risk confusing them.

A handy brand guidelines document will be your new BFF and will be particularly helpful if you have staff managing your marketing or you’re outsourcing. Bonus: If everything is clearly laid out, it will also help decision-making become easier. 

4. If you don’t know where to start, hire a branding professional. 

There’s a reason why experts exist! You don’t need to hire a pricey agency; there are plenty of freelancers and consultants who offer these types of services. They will also be on top of the latest trends. 

Think of branding as one of the key investments you’ll make in your business. If you need direction, please connect with us and we can refer you to trusted industry experts, including Hustle + Charm members who work in this space. 

5. Have a little fun with the process!

Don’t forget: A strong brand takes time to build. Take everything you’ve learned, and with these tips in mind, move ahead in developing a stunning, uniquely-you brand that creates a lasting impression on your target audience.

If you’d like to chat branding and rebranding your business with fellow business owners, join us for our Hustlers Roundtable on April 13!

Whether you’re new to entrepreneurship and are branding for the first time, you’ve been in business for years and are looking for tips and tricks on rebranding, you’re a branding expert who wants to share their expertise or anything between – come out and let’s chat! Purchase your ticket today.


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