4 ways to overcome imposter syndrome


Feel like a fraud or like you’re not worthy of your accomplishments? Experiencing a wave of self-doubt?

We’ve all been there!

As more people start their own businesses, undergo career shifts or tackle new career challenges, imposter syndrome is becoming a common term. With imposter syndrome, people feel like frauds or not good enough, despite the fact they’re skilled, capable individuals. They constantly feel like they’re going to be exposed as a fraud, which couldn’t be further from the truth!

We’d like to help normalize those feelings. In fact, a little self-doubt can even be healthy at times in that it can facilitate growth as an individual and in your career. 

But without tackling it appropriately, imposter syndrome can lead to feelings of burnout, fear, anxiety and depression, and can impact your job performance and confidence levels.

And so, without further ado, here are 4 ways to overcome imposter syndrome:

4 ways to overcome imposter syndrome

1) Look at the facts and reframe your thought process.
Acknowledge your thoughts and feelings, then put them in perspective by looking at the bigger picture and whether there are any facts or evidence that support these beliefs. (We’re willing to bet there isn’t any!)

Make a list of facts and use it to reframe your own narrative. Be kind to yourself and practice positive self-talk!

2) Talk to someone about your feelings.
Don’t suffer in silence – you’re not alone! Even hugely successful people have acknowledged feeling imposter syndrome. 

Talk to a mentor, friend or colleague to provide an objective picture and outside context. Find a supportive community like Hustle + Charm where you can vent and share your insecurities to learn what works for others. If you’re still struggling, there’s no shame in seeking out the support of a therapist or psychologist to dive even deeper!

3) Visualize and celebrate your successes.
Picture yourself absolutely nailing that interview or pitch and how you would handle it. Then, celebrate those successes, girl! 

If you’re experiencing imposter syndrome, you may downplay your accomplishments and attribute them to luck or others, when it’s actually your own hard work and knowledge that led to them..

If someone compliments you, accept it and reflect on it!. It takes some practice, but you’ll be able to internalize that positivity and own the role you played in those successes!

4) Let go of perfectionism.
No one is perfect (except for Blake Lively at the Met Gala – that dress!). 

In all seriousness, adjust your standards and expectations for yourself! Many people who experience imposter syndrome are high-achievers and perfectionists, which can feed into the feeling of fraud when you’re constantly striving for perfection and trying to attain impossible or unrealistic standards.

Don’t compare yourself to others or focus on perceived failures. Instead, see them as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Even with these tips, imposter syndrome may creep in – and that’s normal! By following these practices, you can nip it in the bud before that little voice in your head starts to control your actions and cause long-term effects. Practice kindness and self-compassion. You’ve got this!

At Hustle + Charm, we host events that allow female entrepreneurs in Manitoba to connect and support each other in their business ventures and in their day-to-day lives. To learn more about our upcoming events, including a Coffee + Coworking series, visit our events calendar.


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