7 self-care tips for the holiday season


Picture yourself listening to the soothing voice of Bing Crosby, in front of a cozy fire with a cup of peppermint cocoa in hand – sounds relaxing, amiright?

Indeed, there are many happy memories to be made during the holidays. But from jam-packed schedules, to financial considerations, to potentially difficult interactions with family, the season can also be downright stressful and bring about negative emotions along with the positive.

That’s why it’s especially important to practice self-care during the holiday season. You may think to yourself, “How can I possibly fit in one more thing?!” But taking care of yourself will help you enter the new year feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world.

We’ve compiled some self-care tips to help you reduce stress and improve your overall well-being during the holidays:

Make healthy choices wherever possible. Aim for a solid night’s sleep, stay hydrated, take your vitamins, move your body daily (dancing to Jingle Bell Rock in your footie pajamas totally counts!) and try to work those fruits and veggies into your diet. But hey, don’t restrict yourself either – enjoy those gingerbread cookies and eggnog!

Regularly schedule time for yourself. We know, we know – this can be challenging when there are many demands on your time, but that’s when you need it the most! It’s important to make time for yourself every day, even if only for 30 minutes. Do something you enjoy: pick up the latest page-turner, take a relaxing hot bath, hit the gym for a good sweat sesh or engage in your favourite hobby.

Practice gratitude. Thinking about a few things you’re grateful for, no matter how small, can make quite an impact on your thought processes. Whether you write them down or compile a mental list, gratitude lists can be very therapeutic and put things in perspective. 

Make a budget. Even more importantly, make a budget you’ll stick with. You can still spoil your loved ones without breaking the bank. If money is tight, consider gift options that don’t come with a hefty price tag – thoughtful homemade items or personalized experiences (a picnic in the park, perhaps?) are always appreciated!

Say no. It’s hard to say no – we get it. But it’s also a little too easy to stretch yourself thin during an already-busy time of year. You’re allowed to say no to taking on anything that will further drain you. Enforce those boundaries! 

Adjust your expectations. No holiday is ever perfect, despite what Hallmark movies may depict! Social media can make it seem like others have it together but remember: it’s also a highlight reel of people’s lives and doesn’t necessarily reflect challenges they’re also facing. 

Live in the moment. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season, but be present in the moment as much as possible. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, taking a moment to pause (along with a deep breath) can make a world of difference.

In short, make sure you’re regularly practicing self-care during the holiday season. Though you may think you don’t have the time or it’s not a priority, it will do wonders for your overall well-being during a busy time of year and will set the stage for a positive start to the new year. 

If part of connecting with friends, new and old, is part of your self-care routine, join us at the Hustle + Charm Holiday Party

For more helpful hints, follow Hustle + Charm on Instagram and be sure to sign up for our newsletter.


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