Self Care


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You are a busy lady boss. Between work, family, education and entrepreneurship; you’ve got a lot to look after. So who is looking after you? This week, we are going to discuss some forms of self-care that can be easily incorporated into your busy schedule. Self-care is an essential ingredient in the recipe for a successful lady boss, so let’s talk about it.


First things first, take a look at how you view self-care. Is it a priority for you? Is it something you do every day or just when you’ve hit a breaking point? What even is this self-care thing that every body is talking about? We are breaking down self-care, making it easy and achievable for the busy boss babe.


Remember that it isn’t selfish to care for yourself. You can’t pour from an empty cup. You cannot be of service to others unless you are first being of service to yourself. You deserve to take time out of your schedule to focus on your health and wellbeing. Self-care looks different to each of us, so here are a few suggestions to help you create your own self-care routine.


Take the pressure off of yourself. In last week’s blog post , we talked about asking for help and delegating. This is a huge form of self-care. Allowing yourself to feel overwhelmed and anxious is unnecessary and unkind to your mind. So hand off some tasks to other people that can handle them, so that you can feel good, and still get all the things done (just less of the things). Another way to take the pressure off of yourself is to do so financially. When you run your own business, you most likely spend a good chunk of your brain’s energy thinking about money. Is it making you feel good, or is it stressing you out? If it’s the latter, think of ways to relieve that stress. Talk to your bank about how you can save more, apply for a loan, borrow money from your old, rich aunt. Do whatever it is you need to do to ease your mind about money, because no amount of cash is worth losing your head over. If it costs you your peace, it’s too expensive.


Another awesome way to care for yourself is to care for your body. Yoga, exercise, stretching, are all great ways to connect with your body and yourself. Any form of exercise or active movement is going to help ground you into the present moment, and release feel good chemicals in your brain. Who doesn’t love some endorphins? If you don’t want to go it alone, sign up for a class at My Body Fitness + Nutrition, (Winnipeg’s first and only body positive gym) and sweat it out with one of our lovely members, Brooke Van Ryssel.  Some other awesome members that can get you moving are Emily of Fifty 5 Fitness, Alana of Walk 15 Happy, Amanda of Shift Yoga, and Kelly of Chocolate and Sanity.


One of the things we do every week as an act of self-care is clean our space and prepare for our week. Washing our sheets, tackling piles of laundry, and prepping meals are three things that make a huge difference in how smoothly our week flows. If you’re a busy entrepreneur, taking one afternoon every week to organize your environment, and make some meals can really aid in setting yourself up for success.


If self-care looks like pampering for you, go for it girl! Buy some facemasks, a new bubble bath, light some candles, and take a long soak in the tub with some sweet bath bombs from one of our members, Courtney of Lend Me Some Sugar Bath Co.  You can add Epsom salts or essential oils for even more rest and relaxation. Oh and wine, don’t forget the wine. Plan a girl’s night in with your favorite ladies, paint each other’s nails, do mini facials, TREAT YO SELF! Take a break from social media and emails for the night, you deserve it.


Self-care isn’t just face masks and bubble baths, it is digging deep and figuring out what YOU need to be a successful and fulfilled boss babe. Meditation, journaling, reading, therapy sessions, are all HUGE forms of self-care too. You are not selfish for choosing to look after your mental health, whatever that means to you. Even adding one of these tips into your routine can make a big difference. If you want to share your self-care routing or something from this blog post worked for you, let us know in the comments. Remember that self-care is self-love, and we all want to be in the self-love club!


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