How to be a Goal Getter in 2019



2018 is coming to an end, and it has been a wild ride! This year was filled with ups and downs, curveballs and home runs, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. With the closing out of this year fast approaching, it’s important to set ourselves up to be successful in the year to come. This week’s blog post will give you a few tips on how to reflect on and be grateful for everything that you’ve experienced this year, while also hyping up to CRUSH your goals in 2019.


When you’re running your own business, chances are you are always thinking of the future. What’s next for your business? What new services are you going to offer? How much are you going to increase your prices by? While there are many benefits to being a forward thinker, sometimes we can get wrapped up in the future and forget to appreciate where we are in the present. A great way to correct this is to make a list of everything you were grateful for this year. Go on a rampage listing off all the blessings that came to you. Before you begin setting goals for 2019, take a moment to revel in all that you’ve accomplished so far. Review your list of goals from 2018 and see how many goals you’ve crossed off the list. Maybe one of your biggest accomplishments was learning to bounce back from all the obstacles 2018 threw your way. Appreciating everything that has happened already is a great way to put yourself in a position to dream up even bigger goals for 2019. The sweet spot of life is being in a place where you’re content with where you are, and excited about where you’re going.


So let’s talk about goals, mmkay? Goals are great motivators to keep the fire of passion burning bright within you, but they can also make us feel overwhelmed. When setting goals for 2019, make sure to keep them realistic for what you can accomplish with your resources and time line. Setting realistic goals and crushing them will make you much more uplifted than setting unrealistic goals and feeling like you’ve failed for not reaching them. Goals are meant to boost you up, not leave you doubting your abilities. If you’re feeling powerful, or you like a challenge, dream up the biggest, grandest, most over the top goal for yourself and see if you have the means to make it happen. If not, keep working until you’re in a position where you can. If men can walk on the moon, we can make “out of this world” goals a reality!


The best way to make sure you stay on track with your goals, especially if they are business related, is to break them down into quarters. That way, instead of having a long list of goals to accomplish in 365 days, you can break those down into what you are going to accomplish in three month long intervals. This not only keeps you organized, but it also helps to make these goals seem more realistic and less overwhelming. Goals are only going to feel impossible and scary if you let them, so take away that power by scheduling them into your business plan for the year. If you’re looking for a structured template to input your quarterly goals into, check out our latest Bosses + Business Workbook: Makin’ Moves in 2019.


Now that you’ve dreamt up a bunch of goals to crush in the next year, its time to start getting shit done! Figuring out what actions steps you need to take in order to accomplish your goals is the integral piece that’s going to determine whether your dreams stay dreams, or turn into your reality. You know where you are, you know where you’re going, getting there is the real hustle. If you understand what it’s going to take to make your dreams happen, it makes them much more realistic and attainable. If you have hit a road block with what action steps you need to take, run your dream by a few lady bosses and see if they can help you gain some perspective. Having someone else’s take on things may spark new conversation that leads to inspiration! (was that rhyme too cheesy? Whateva!) A fresh set of eyes is a great asset if you find yourself struggling to know what moves to make. This is also a prime opportunity to do some networking and make connections that will benefit you and your business.


This year is coming to an end, and we are so ready to say “Goodbye!” to the old and “Hey girl heyyy!” to all the new, exciting, and life changing blessings that are headed our way. This year is about making our dreams a reality, and pushing ourselves to be even more badass than we ever dreamed of. Get out there, make some goals, and crush them like the boss babe you are. A year of growth, change, and lessons has passed, and it’s been shaping you to be in the perfect position to attack your future goals fiercely and confidently. Show 2019 what you’ve got lady boss!


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